Congratulatory message from Dr. Rezaei, Director of Statistics and Information Technology for National Engineer Day
On the arrival of the National Engineer Day, the day of creativity and scientific thinking, I sincerely congratulate all the committed, compassionate and hard-working engineers in the field of Information Technology of the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.
Today, all of you, as IT specialists, are active not only in all functional, creative and health planning layers, but also in the operational layers of E-health systems and E-government at the university, who are the main toilers, thinkers and pioneers. If in the country, E-health is introduced as one of the top E-government services and all the main stakeholders of health are all encouraged and hope for the brilliance and significant impact of activities and functions in this field; all owe to the efforts and activities of each of you in showing Unparalleled and practical achievements of information technology and information systems.
I deeply believe that promoting E-health and increasing the penetration of information technology in the field of health will be among the first goals of the country's health field and the role and position of technologists in this field will become one of the most important and valuable organizational positions of the university and the health ministry.
I would like to thank each of you IT professionals for all your efforts, innovations, creativity and sense of responsibility in order to make things transparent, increase the satisfaction of people and colleagues, and improve the E-health system. I wish you success, health, and happiness.